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Monday, April 13, 2020

4.13.20 - Grade Improvement Opportunity for Economics - Digital

Welcome back! I feel like this is how I look too.

This notification is to inform you of the latest information released by the county regarding your child’s grade.  As noted from the district communication, students have a choice to accept their grades as of March 13, 2020 as final grades for the 2019-2020 school year OR Continue to earn grades for the remainder of the 2019-2020 school year to improve their grade(s).  We want to clarify that if a student chooses not to participate, perform or actively engage with his/her teacher(s) and they do not take advantage of assignment opportunities, this will result in their final grade being the grade that they had on March 13th.  The only way for the March 13th grade to improve is for the student to submit assignments and participate in the digital learning opportunities made available to him/her by the teacher.  

PLEASE read each bullet BEFORE sending me a text.
  • YES - you may continue to complete the Domain tests for each unit using . You know this already. To check your completed 80 and above domain tests, login and check GRADED work on your USATestPrep homepage.
  • IF you would to improve your current ECONOMICS grade, you have TWO GRADE IMPROVEMENT OPPORTUNITIES: (Theses assignments ARE NOT REQUIRED.)



  • #1 Graded improvement opportunity PLEASE READ:
  • To replace your lowest project grade OR to replace a zero on a project, read one of the following articles, complete the summary, and upload to the Google Classroom. (See directions on the GOVERNMENT blog if you have not joined the Google Classroom.)

Grade Improvement Opp Project Grade Replacement Article1   OR
Grade Improvement Opp Project Grade Replacement Article 2

Use this template upload into the Google Classroom:
Economics Project Summary Form to Upload into Google Classroom - This is what you turn in.

  • #2 Grade Improvement Opportunity PLEASE READ: Complete a MEDIUM Test to replace a zero for a missing test or quiz...ONLY if you have a missing test or quiz grade!